The recommended profile for admission is that of graduates in education as a field of knowledge or in comparable or related degrees - Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Social Education, Teaching Degrees, Psychology, PA and Sport Sciences, etc. - and who have completed a master's degree in research in the field of education, or also for those graduates in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, or in the Master's Degree in Vocational Training and Language Teaching. and who have completed a master's degree in research in the field of education, or also for those graduates in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, who wish to carry out research tasks in their specific curricular areas.
Once the legally required conditions for access have been met, students will be selected on the basis of the following assessment criteria:
- Bachelor's and Master's degrees
- Undergraduate and Master's academic record
- Scholarships and pre-doctoral or introductory research grants.
- In addition, in this section, special consideration will be given to the qualifications in the master's degrees associated with the PhD programme and the suitability of previous degrees in the field of education.
- Courses, seminars, conferences given
- Courses, seminars received
- Publications (articles, books)
- Participation in working groups, research and innovation projects
- Participation in seminars, congresses and scientific conferences
- Presentation to the Academic Committee of a brief report (maximum three pages) on the research project to be developed in any of the areas of competence of the Programme.
- Professional experience as a teacher/counsellor/pedagogical advisor, etc., or as a work placement tutor for students of Bachelor's or Bachelor's degrees in education.
- Intermediate or advanced level in English or another non-Spanish language, accredited by official certification.
For those students who aspire to obtain the "International Doctor" mention, an accredited level of English or another non-Spanish language is recommended.