Access requirements

Recommended admission profile

The recommended entry profile is that of graduates in education as a field of knowledge or in comparable or related degrees -Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Social Education, Teaching Degrees, Psychology, Sciences of PA and Sport, Social Work, etc- and who have completed a master's degree in research in the field of education, etc- and who have completed a master's degree in research in the field of education, or also for those graduates in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, who wish to carry out research tasks in their specific curricular areas.

Access requirements

The requirements for access to doctoral studies are set out in article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, as amended by Royal Decree 576/2023, of 4 July.

You can also consult these requirements on the website of the Doctoral School of the UVa: